
MONTE CRISTO, a graphic novel of elegant revenge

Created by Neurobellum Productions

By Jordan Mechner, creator of the Prince of Persia video game legacy, and illustrator Mario Alberti.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A great first day! THANK YOU!!!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 05:12:34 PM

Hi everyone!


We're excited about this project, and we're thrilled so many of you find it exciting, too! Not only did we hit our goal in the first 80 minutes, but we blew past the first stretch goal already, so we went ahead and updated that section to reveal the next goal coming up quickly...

The goal after that will be a third print that actually fits with these first two to make a 3-panel triptyich (just like the original French edition covers)! We have more cool goals planned after that, and we'll reveal them one at a time to keep things interesting and everyone on their toes... 😉

Jordan has been traveling along the East and West Coast doing some signings of his new autobiography REPLAY that just came out this month, and he's been spreading the word about this MONTE CRISTO campaign at each stop. Honestly, he has been having quite a great year so far --the MAKING OF KARATEKA interactive game/appwas released on multiple platforms last fall (PS4/5, Xbox, Switch, and PC), the newest PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE LOST CROWN game was released to glowing reviews on PS4/5, XboxONE/X, Switch, and PC in January, his graphic novel REPLAY was just released a few weeks ago, and now MONTE CRISTO will be coming out from Magnetic Press in the Fall...! We couldn't be happier to be part of that line-up, and hopefully, it won't be the end...

Not to distract from the excellent title being offered in our campaign, but we can't recommend REPLAY enough -- it is a fascinating true story about Jordan's family as they fled Nazi occupation in WW2, and how the lives of that generation differed so much from the generations that followed (which included Jordan himself as he set off on a storied career at the dawn of the video game industry...) It is available now, if you'd like some good reading while you wait for MONTE CRISTO... 😊

We'll post some more updates through the campaign, with some interesting looks inside the creative process planned. We hope you'll stick with us to the end (and bring some friends to the party, too)!

Thanks, everyone! This will be fun!